This workshop was conducted in order to adapt the 40 booklets of Barkhaa series, two groups were formed comprising of experts of VI, teacher educators, special educators, teachers from special schools and KV's and COETG team(IIT Delhi).Barkhaa..Readmore
7 years ago
Antarchakshu - The Eye Within, is an event organized by the Xavier's Resource Centre for the visually Challenged (XRCVC), St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, as a sensitization and awareness workshop that explores the world of the visually impai..Readmore
7 years ago
On 9th November 2015, Assistech conducted the Avlokan: Awareness Workshop. Avlokan aims as sensitizing the mainstream society about the needs, challenges and strengths of the visually impaired and also about various modern and affordable assistive..Readmore
7 years ago
Late Dr. Helen Keller, the prodigy and genius who opened the door of educating Deaf and Deafblind, was herself Deafblind. She has said, A person who is severely handicapped never knows his own hidden strength until he is treated like a normal huma..Readmore
7 years ago
On 29 th March 2017, Ms. Ankita Gulati was honoured with the INR 5 lac grant by Department of Science and Technology(DST), Government of India. DST IIT Delhi WEE Selection Board also awarded the WEE Foundation Excellence Award to her.
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Ankita Gulati secured the runners up position in Tech Innovation category for TouchVision-Multisensory Books for Visually Impaired. TouchVisionTech will receive a grant of 2 lakhs from 3M�s CSR funds along with support and mentorship in areas li..Readmore
4 years ago